🇺🇸American Beef & Lamb🇺🇸
Our specialty, produced consistently at scale, we provide semi loads weekly.
Both we and close partners supply quality beef, in multiple programs to meet clients specifications. We provide weekly loads of both finished premium cattle and cows for trim programs.
We work closely with other family farms to help clients find scaled professional supply solutions.
Our team has members certified to conduct (EOV) monitoring and GrassFed (AGA) audits on farms and larger collaborative projects. Please reach out if we can be of service.
We produce steady volumes of fine merino wool, in addition to open sales, we are also developing our own textile equipment and products
*We also sell “tag” wool at discount for garden use.
Rachel Hendricks has an extensive background as a SQF practitioner and food safety auditor. Additionally managing and consulting to numerous projects across the industry.
We sell hides from our lambs in bulk, we are also working on making leather products available for retail!
Our team is comprised of holistic management certified educators and experienced graziers, we host both in person trainings on our properties and custom trainings for clients.
We are also always happy to explain how these programs work and discuss opportunities over the phone, drop us a line to schedule a call!
Land 2 Market: Certifying that the product is raised on land that is regenerating, using the Ecological Outcomes Verification program by the Savory Institute.
AGA: Representing that livestock have been responsibly raised outdoors, on a grass based diet, with the American GrassFed Association.
Our ranch and transporters are trained and certified to meet humane, Sheep (SSQA), Wool (AWA), and Beef Quality Assurance (BQA/BQAT) standards for livestock handling.
We are true believers of stewardship, and are early adopters of “HM”, from managed grazing to business and economic planning. Working closely with the Savory team on multiple projects, we are an outreach Hub; and our team has gone through their courses and are certified trainers.
As a Hub we offer Holistic Management training in addition to business & industry consulting on a case by case basis, and are very accommodating to individual needs.
Reach out with any questions, we’d love to work with you!
Developing a specific management context, and a system of comprehensive decision making questions to manage for outcomes.
A management program that allows for specific planning around livestock performance, land, production, and personal context; that allows for management of plant regrowth and feed inventory.
Savory developed both a basic monitoring program for producers to use themselves for management decisions, and a comprehensive monitoring system called Ecological Outcomes Verification that is used to certify farms into the Land 2 Market program.
Integrating, personal context, resources, and business needs.
“Holistic financial planning“ offers useful tools for developing an operations financial planning requirements.
While not affiliated, we also recommend Ranching for Profits‘ program as an ad on for serious livestock producers.
Half of the Journey is who you go with, we have been blessed to work with amazing people and collaborate on awesome projects.
We are passionate about creating unique and innovative products, and supply chains.
Please reach out if you are interested in a collaborative project.
We work with numerous Brands and retailers across the US and are always looking for new partnerships!
Looking for new opportunities to market product, be it: Lamb, Beef, or Pork?
Give us a ring!